
Garden Diary - June 2024

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Designed for Nature Garden Tour
Saturday, 15 June 2024

Designed for Nature: Garden of Greg and Gianina Dixon

I was looking forward to this garden visit. It was on the Designed for Nature tour in 2019 when the garden was barely a year old. The Dixons had received the first Transitioning to Natives Plant Grant from the Bucks Woman's National Farm & Garden Association in partnership with Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve. Interesting to see the changes 5 years had brought.

A casual bench in the shady area towards the street where clearing away
grass created a natural woodland area and trenching directed water runoff.
Lengths of branches are used for edging, here and elsewhere in the garden.

Water is an issue on this property. The street-side swale deals with some,
this ground drain with a stone apron collects and handles the water here.

Just as trees are coarser plants than herbaceous perennials, rather than branches
log sections are utilized to edge planting areas, containing mulch for woody plants.

Several wet areas, no doubt difficult to mow, have now become backyard meadows.

Just as grasses may be combed by the wind, adding movement,
so too, a wind spinner dances in even a light breeze.

Major change in the last five years, no plants involved. There is now a gravel patio
with a fire pit and Adirondack chairs. And behind it, a formal swimming pool with

spillway adding water music as it flows over the rather formal stone wall that edges it.

A potting bench against the house. Water everywhere, even from a hose for thirsty plants.

There is a native plant sale and raffle, supporting WNF&G education, Delaware Valley
University scholarship and outreach. Not as if an excuse is needed to buy plants . . .

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